... one of the soaked students made a speech about smart choices while another laughed out load!
- Proud of my accomplishments but tired of not being a killer
Student 1
‘Learning to be more successful’ might be what some students expect, but I already know how to be successful, just because I didn't graduate at the same time as the others doesn’t mean I don't know how to be successful. I don’t need to learn, I can teach how to be successful. I love myself plenty!
Student 2
Yeah, exactly. I have friends, I took care of my kids all by myself after the sudden death of my husband, they grew up to be nice kids and here I am…getting my diploma so I will earn more…and I will not stop. I think about college. It is just a different pace, it happens.
Student 3
You said you want to learn to be a KILLER. I want to understand how you see this matter. Do you mean "more risk taking"?
Student 4
I don't want to be more risk taking. My problem is that I am risk taking. Killer is killer... it was annoying that people freaked out with this word!...After Columbine, there are words which students are supposed to avoid…Yes, they will do anything to keep it safe: Shut up!
Student 3
Ah…but what did you mean with the k word (laugh)...er...did you mean success?
Student 4
Hello! Being a killer doesn’t mean being a success; I mean what is success anyways?
Student 3
What do you mean?
Student 2
Killer...he means more goal oriented, goal related to business, career.
Student 5
It’s what happens to me! I am successful in other parts of life…but then I am too busy to think about studying (laugh)
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