
- PRIDE: I am the expert!

  • I survived and I am willing to pass on my experience
“Writing my story I wanted to show that I have a lot to say too, I have been through things... I have things to say, I don’t know how to say but I have seen and people don’t know… My problems, I solve alone, I don’t want people to feel sorry for me...it was hard but there are much…oh…much harder lives than mine. I don't need...and my sister is an angel to prove, I kept her innocent...I would not let anybody to touch her, I took care of her”. (Speech from a left brain student who is 18 years old)

  • I manage a pretty tide schedule of parties

"I am a procrastinator, I am not goal oriented...when it is about school, you know?...I can change, ‘cause I manage a pretty tide schedule of parties and meetings (laugh). I am just not ready for school"

6 am to 6 pm

6 pm to 6 am


I5OO pub, Cactus and Club 10 are pubs

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