
- KNOWLEDGE: Invalidating laymen culture

Aboriginal and Academic culture shock: accreditation process and authorship

During a group activity, a student brought up a saying and the group wrote it on a poster, with no authorship.

Tell me I will forget, show me I will remember, involve me I will understand

The teacher, used to the academic practice of avoiding plagiarism, came to help the group and wrote on the side of the saying “Confucius”.

The student who brought up the saying was disappointed.

I always believed it was a Cree saying, this is what I was told, I grew up listening to this truth"

Active listening him, we did an internet search and found some[1] governmental speakers and aboriginal communities attributing this saying to aboriginal culture.

When the student was asked why in the last class he had refused to speak out for his Cree community, he answered:

I am not a credited voice

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